Feeling your life rythm and melody of the hearth

Soundhealing Formation

“Music has been a passion all my life. In the meantime active as a sound-healer for more than 10 years, I would like to pass on all my experiences to you. The work over the years during personal sessions and group sessions in singing and therapeutic work left me with a lot of experience which I will carefully spread over a series of workshops. The idea is that you follow these workshops as a series, because each session builds on the previous one. In this course we will not only work with instruments and the voice, but we will also work deeper on your Tonal, or your 'character'. Unravelling your programs and motivations to do the things you do, in that unique way as you bring them, is an indispensable fact in this work. You can therefore enter this course for your own personal development as well as to work with people in 'the field'.”

Marijn De Wit

Who is this training for


In the first place, this training is for everyone who loves music, sound and voice. No experience is required to participate in the sessions. Everyone can have his or her personal goal and needs to participate.
For example, you may want to learn more about the influence of sound on your life course and how you can use music and sound to moderate your life.

Apart from the people who come from personal enthusiasm and interest, we also focus on knives who have an interest to come out with this work or to extend their existing practice: therapists, musicians, healers, from all directions.

The training is therefore for everyone who is prepared to work with himself and to opt for 'life'.

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Sound will be your ally

Besides working with sound through instruments and tuning, the emphasis in these sessions is very much on 'your liberation'. Despite what many claim, you can certainly help people without first helping yourself (think of doctors, health workers and healers all over the world), many have a wonderful skill to do work with people, and are themselves not in balance at all. or explore in good health.
It is therefore advisable to first dive into yourself and start to reveal and transform your own stories and patterns, by working with the movement of attention. The deeper work with our character gets a lot of attention within our workshops and trainings, because this is the basis for whatever you want to do in life. This is the grounding that is often lacking to continue to do this work with others with a certain lightness and strength.

Therefore, within these sessions we will also work with all sorts of exercises and techniques to disentangle your character from sticking habitual patterns that no longer serve you and which can stand in the way of a neutral treatment. You need to be in your power if you really want to be able to help someone else and not just sticking a plaster on the wound. Relieve the pain or to soften the emotions. In your strength come as a facilitator will often also say, that you dare to go where others dare not yet come. To help the person see the way to a real 'healing' within themselves. We therefore also return to the shadows of your character within this work. We work with shamanistic techniques to get rid of your so-called 'role' that you have assigned yourself. Detachment is the only way to liberation. And where you are, you can also bring your patient or show the way to it.

What will be discussed?

Voice sessions

  • singing techniques (exercises)

  • Learning to sing and use Icaro's and spirit songs

  • Discovering your unique voice)

  • Overtone singing

Instruments, music and sounds

  • The different instruments and their specific frequencies

  • Feeling and finding your instrument

  • Working on your rhythm feeling (the base)

  • Working with the drum (low frequencies)

  • Working with singing bowls (releasing)

  • Examining different healing instruments

  • Working with the power of silence (the designer of melody)

  • Learning to listen again (opening your ears)

  • Shamanic sound healing

  • The layout of the instruments according to the elements

  • Learning to feel the connection between instruments

And More

  • Liberation of blockades

  • Shadow work and personal work

  • Breathing exercises and techniques

  • The discovery of your gift to the world (your potential)

  • Finding joy in what you do

  • building and finishing a sound session

  • Working on your intuition

Practical information

Location: Great White Whale Centre, Jozef Reusenslei 182, Borsbeek
Dates: check out the upcoming events
Start: 7 pm to 10 pm