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Shaman Horse Medicine

  • Inge Wildiers Broekmansstraat 86 Booischot België (kaart)

In the encounter with a high-sensitive horse, another entrance is taken, as it were; through your emotional world you get the chance to test your own deeper knowledge, to adjust, to deal with situations in your life, to become your own conductor, to come back home to yourself and to feel what it is like to just "TO BE".

The non-verbal communication in the attitude and image of these horses reflects their nature, reflects what is in you, and what is needed for your growth. Please bring your own lunch to the session Price 50€/pp (60€ when you take tobacco) Guided by Inge Wildiers en Juanita Pyl

10 februari

Touch of Women (thuis bij Dryaden)

13 februari

Soundhealing formation